AdvancePro Version 11.22 Release Notes

New Features


Credit Memos, Returns

  • Clicking the RMA# in View All Customer Returns will now open the Transaction without an error prompt.
  • Clicking the RMA link in the Credit Memo screen now opens up the Vendor return instead of a VPO. And Clicking on the PO link in Vendor Bill Screen will open a VPO.
  • Opening the Customer Returns in Warehouse and closing it again will no longer show a different number. It will always show the Total Records of the 'To Be Received' returns.
  • Qty ordered field has been changed to Avail Qty for returns that have no order history. Avail Qty field is now showing the current stock.
  • Qty calculation now shows the correct amount in Chronological Adjustment History for Vendor Returns for products with Unit Breakdown.
  • The Received Status filter has been added to View All Customer Returns (RMA's).
  • No longer able to click the 'RECEIVE' button twice when receiving a customer return in the warehouse with the Review Required setting disabled in Site Settings.
  • Previously disassociated vendors no longer appears on pending credit memos.
  • The review icon will only disappear if all of the stocks are already returned to the inventory.
  • When returning items to the inventory and Add Review is checked, the user will now be restricted to return more than what was received.
  • The calculator icon is now visible on most screens on Customer Invoices / Credit Memo's window.
  • Credit Memo balance now shows the correct amount when there are discarded items on the Customer Return Transaction.
  • When Credits are unapplied, the amount now returns to the Credit Memo.
  • Unhandled Exception no longer occurs when changing the resolution of a Pending Credit Memo.
  • Users are now restricted to make manual edits on the Remaining and TOTAL fields in a Processed Customer Return.
  • Save button is now re-activated upon changing the reasons field on Customer Returns.
  • After the Credit Memo is created, the RMA status will now be changed to Closed.
  • Products that were assigned a conditional UOM now show correctly on the Pending credit memo.
  • Notes are no longer required when the Reason drop-down option is enabled on Site Settings.
  • Users are now restricted to make manual edits on the TOTAL field in Customer Return.
  • The received date is now correctly shown when you process a direct return.
  • Customer Returns that have been received now shows the correct status.
  • Conditional UOMs no longer disappear from the review breakdown window after assigning stock to the default unit.
  • The correct balance is now shown on the Credit memo and the payment allocation screen.
  • The spelling error on Pending credit memo for discarded items has been corrected.
  • The spelling error on Vendor returns has been resolved.
  • Items in a Credit memo that has been returned to the warehouse for receiving no longer appears as duplicated.


Customer Orders, Invoices

  • The Receive payment button has been removed from the View All Customer Invoices > Voided screen.
  • The credit amount of the RMAs are now being reduced when applied to the Invoice.
  • The correct shipping fee and adjustment are now shown on the invoice when the Customer Order is processed partially.
  • The shipping fee that has been added to the invoice will no longer show on the CPO details.
  • When Customer Prefetch is disabled, clicking the dropdown list in Create CPO after searching for a non-existent customer will no longer show all the existing customers.
  • Invoices that are printed by batch now have the complete information per page.
  • The invoice information grid is now fixed on Regular Print.
  • Attachments are now shown on the Customer Order.
  • Users are now unable to process canceled orders.
  • UOM breakdowns are now correctly shown on different screens.
  • Users are now able to add items to the order using the category drop-down.
  • The calculator icon is now visible on most screens in the Customer Invoices / Credit Memo window.
  • Line items can now be updated when the order is returned to open from the warehouse.
  • The scrollbar has been fixed on the Customer Purchase Order window.
  • Invoices that contain products that use catch weights will now show the correct total amount.
  • The shipping address dropdown on the Place New Customer Order screen limit has been increased.
  • Sending back an order to the pick stage no longer results in an error.
  • Processing a payment on the Place Customer Purchase Order no longer results in an error.
  • Clicking on the ‘+’ icon on the Products selector in CPO no longer causes an error.
  • Order lock is now working. No longer able to process an order from either batch drop-ship window or Place customer order when same order is opened
  • Orders will no longer get stuck on open status upon processing for Drop Ship.
  • Using vendors as a criterion when searching for a SKU/Product name in batch drop-ship orders will now display correct results.



  • Select All, Deselect All, Save, and Close buttons are now placed correctly on New Broker: Assign Customers tab.
  • Users are now able to open View all Brokers.
  • Users are now able to open View all Consignees.
  • Tickbox found on the Entity window is now fixed.
  • No more error popping up when you clear out the amount textbox in payment allocation.
  • Now able to edit each Broker on View All Brokers without getting an error.
  • The Add New Broker window title will now show the correct entity title instead of CONSIGNEE.
  • Error No longer occurs upon clicking Re-Run Pricing with Re-Run Pricing.
  • Now able to search any characters that are in the customer's name in the customer list filter.
  • Phone & Fax numbers' separators have been replaced with spaces.

Emails and Attachments

  • Now able to remove email attachments from both CPO and VPO..


Error Messages

  • Re-exporting default items to QuickBooks no longer results in an error.
  • Sales Goals by Customer & MTD Shipped Quantity Reports now display the correct criterion.
  • Error when clicking View All Products and Edit Products has been fixed.
  • The spelling error on the Reminders form has been resolved.
  • No more LNMClasses error when searching for products on the Vendor Quote screen.
  • A prompt message has been added informing the user that the item will be sent to open order when no item is set to be picked.
  • Able to transfer stock without getting an error.
  • Able to open a warehouse order and click on shipping options without getting any errors.
  • Print button in the receive payments window now works as expected.
  • Able to search using the SKU on a CPO and it produces results without getting any error.
  • Grammatical error on Warehouse: Customer Return has been corrected and resolved.
  • Error no longer occurs upon changing the quantity of an item in a locked order
  • URL has been removed from the Images under Edit product when a company has no AP API configuration
  • Unhandled Exception no longer occurs after deleting the selected unit measurement on Add Products
  • Removed the prompt message on opening a warehouse order.
  • Now able to create serial numbers even if Multiple Picking Location and Unit breakdown Lot/Serial # are both disabled.


General Settings

  • Print Shipping/Adjustment on Customer Order settings are now visible on the Printing settings on the Site Settings menu.
  • Error no longer pops up upon clicking the email button in the Warehouse - Pick/Pack/Ship screen.
  • Verify and Save buttons are activated upon selecting a repository location and path in the Custom Template tab found in the Site Settings menu.
  • A Company logo that has been set to a custom size no longer overlaps the company name and address in the Customer Order Payment Receipt.
  • The recovery email window is now displayed in front to avoid getting overlapped by the login form.
  • The delete button is now visible in the CPO.
  • Custom Templates are now appropriately printed on Invoices and Credit Memos.
  • Recalculate Price on Open orders and Products options are no longer visible when Audit price Changes in site settings is disabled.
  • A warning will now be displayed beside the username field after attempting to create an existing username


Lot and Serial Numbers

  • The LS button will no longer be grayed out after applying a Serial Number to the Assembly Item in View Work Orders.
  • The LS button will no longer be grayed out upon clicking the find button in the Serial Number tab of a Product for a Company with only 1 Warehouse.
  • Previously created Serial Numbers will no longer be removed when you create another Serial Number.
  • Serial numbers of components that were used on work orders or other orders no longer show when picking and assigning SN on Warehouse: Pick List.
  • Serial numbers are now being displayed on View Lot/Serial # by clicking it from the Manage Picking Location window in Manage Inventory.
  • After converting a product to a UOM without assigning SN or Batches, the LS button no longer appears.
  • LS button on Serial #s screen is now grayed-out when ALL warehouse is selected.
  • Lot/SN# to be assigned now shows the same amount as the actual stock quantity.
  • Serial numbers that were used previously on a work order doesn't go back to stock upon adjusting the Picking location quantity.
  • Now able to create serial numbers for multiple picking locations when receiving a VPO.
  • Created serial numbers are now visible in the serial numbers tab of both Item kit and Assembly items



  • Now able to successfully receive the same amount of payment multiple times.
  • Customer Order Payment Receipt now shows the full Order #.
  • The confirmation message has been removed when payment is updated but isn't successful.
  • The prompt message on receive payment has been changed.



  • The product information is now aligned properly on regular print when inserting a new line on the CPO description.
  • Orders that were selected for batch printing in View All Orders screen have complete information.
  • Advanced UOMs are now being shown on VPO regular print.
  • Descending & Ascending sort on Sales Report (By Customer) is now working as Intended.
  • Qty. Picked, Qty. Packed and to Ship column headers are now displayed on Regular Print. Additionally, UOM weight is calculated correctly.
  • All print issues on the Sales Representative Report have been resolved.
  • Templates that were created or designed using a different software can now be used and printed in AdvancePro after it has been configured correctly.
  • Logo set to a custom size no longer overlaps company name and address on the new payment form customer receipt.
  • Clicking the print button on the Receive Payment window will now print a receipt.
  • Carrier print configurations are now being saved.
  • Credits are now applied correctly to the invoice and it is now printing the correct receipt.


Products, Item Kits, Service Items, Inventory

  • Processing a CPO for a UOM product with 2 or more 'BUY in' UOMs will now generate a VPO when the product has 0 stock.
  • Units are now displayed in Manage Inventory when the Combine Variants setting is enabled.
  • UOM breakdown is now correctly shown on Warehouse - Pick, Pack, and Ship stages.
  • Users are now restricted from editing the Transaction History: Ref Column.
  • Creating a Customer Order will no longer create duplicate Vendor Orders for an Item Kit Component that already has an existing Vendor Order.
  • Users will now be able to receive service items partially.
  • Customer Orders that contain service items can now be sent back to Open orders.
  • Orders that have been sent back to open status that contains service items will no longer increase the service item’s stocks.
  • Height, width, length, and dimensions are now displayed correctly for UOM items on CPO.
  • Changing the Product SKU will now update the UOM SKU.
  • CPO and Invoice printout will now show the correct product CLU quantity and Price.
  • The order is now being packed when the Separate pick stage setting is enabled.


QuickBooks (Desktop and Online)

  • Exporting applied payments to QuickBooks will no longer result in an error.
  • Payment details are now shown on QuickBooks Export Preview and QuickBooks Export Report.
  • Invoices on QuickBooks are now getting paid upon exporting an applied payment against the outstanding invoice on AdvancePro.
  • QuickBooks Export Report for applied and received payments will now show the customer for which the payment was received, and the type of payment made.
  • QuickBooks Export Report will no longer show: "The Edit Sequence field has an invalid value REMAP" for Received Payments.
  • The tracking number parameter has been set to 31 characters. Users are now able to export invoice specific tracking numbers without getting split.
  • Irrelevant pop-ups when disconnecting AdvancePro from QuickBooks have been removed.
  • Credit memos are now properly exporting to QuickBooks.
  • AdvancePro can now connect properly to QuickBooks Online. Microsoft Edge Canary has been made a requirement.
  • When payments are viewed from QuickBooks Items to Export, the correct Invoice and PO# references are now shown.
  • Exporting an applied credit to QuickBooks will no longer result in an error.
  • Payments will no longer disappear from QuickBooks Export Preview after they are allocated to an Invoice.
  • Exporting a partially paid invoice to QuickBooks will no longer cause an error.
  • Allocated in QuickBooks option now works for credit memos in payment allocation.



  • Changing the Managed Cost of a Product will no longer change the records in the Sales Rep Alternative Report.
  • Results are now generated when a category that contains a service item is set on an Inventory Report.
  • Now able to generate a vendor order report with 5 or more VPOs selected without getting an error.



  • Phone numbers in the shipping address are now being imported to UPS.


Vendor Orders, Bills

  • Units are no longer getting replaced when having both of BUY as & SELL as UOMs. The correct unit is also now added in the drop-shipment order.
  • A new column "VPO Equivalent Qty" has been added in Products on Vendor Order.
  • Freight bills are now being created when processing Landed costs for multiple Vendor Bills (batch processing).
  • Order details are no longer editable on the 'Products on Vendor Order' window.
  • Users are now able to search on the phone number search bar found on Customer, Vendor and Sales Reps lists without needing to input special characters.
  • Advanced UOM product information is now shown on the Vendor Purchase Order regular print.
  • Paper trail now shows partially cancelled VPO transactions.
  • Paper trail now shows the correct action for cancelled VPO transactions.
  • Partially received VPO will be closed after the bill was created and outstanding items were cancelled. 


Warehouse Transfers

  • The UOM suffix is now shown when viewing the View All Transfer screen.
  • Global Adjustments no longer disappear from View All Adjustment after upgrading.


Warehouse, Picking Locations

  •  Units are now shown in the Warehouse.
  • Now able to assign a Picking Location to a UOM without getting an error.
  • Now able to receive batches on Picking Locations other than the default Picking Location.
  • Picking location quantities are now correctly assigned when sorting and clicking on the FULL button in the warehouse - pick stage.
  • Only the picked items are shown in the Warehouse - pack stage.
  • Consolidated PPS is now being sorted correctly when the Sort by Location sequence is enabled.
  • Users will now be restricted from creating Serial Numbers for Picking Locations with 0 or less than required inventory stocks.
  • Catch weights are now correctly displayed when items are picked using the custom barcode scan.


Batch Numbers

  • Batch Information can now be updated.
  • Batch creation interface issues are now fixed



  • Can no longer create duplicate variants.