IMPORTANT: For Authorize.Net users
AdvancePro to v11.16.07 includes mandatory security enhancements enforced by for passing data between AdvancePro and servers.
- Ability to attach a document on the Invoice and Bill transaction stages (Pending and Finalized stages).
- Ability to attach documents on all other transaction screens
- Ability to create an EDI 846 Inventory export as per TrueCommerce schema
- Ability to export packing info to EDI Export Format (TrueCommerce for printing UCC128 Labels)
- Ability to set schedule for exporting EDI documents to a designated folder.
- Ability to turn off automatic Vendor Order creation
- Add Packout ability to break down PPS into boxes at the packing stage (when shipping)
- ShipStation Integration
Products, Item Kits, Service Items, Inventory
- Able to process order for a kit with Service item as component. Correct Quantity displayed on View All Products
- Adding Service Item will retain the order status while Regular Items will display "In Stock"
- Item Kit quantities can only be set to FULL or ZERO on the Pick List. To modify, Pick Ticket must be sent back to Open status with reason
- Regular (not Dropship) VPOs are now generated for missing components in Item Kits
- When creating a new product, the dropdown list options for "Rounding type" is now populated with the complete list of options.
- When updating stocks, previously set PL stocks won't be affected/overwritten. Also, AP will notify the user that it won't allow changes to the current stock when the value is less than the quantity on the PL.
- Variant's cost can now be seen when viewing in Product manage inventory
Batch Numbers
- Ability to assign Batch numbers on the correct picking location in the warehouse
- Batch number assignment issues fixed
- Batch Numbers: Clicking on Assign no longer doubles the Assigned Quantity
- Batch Summary Report can be generated by selecting any status.
- Sending an order back To Pick stage releases the assigned batches from the order
- Single Transfer of Serial Nos., Batches, Stocks within the same warehouse/picking location results in same Quantity of Stocks as before the transfer.
Lot and Serial Numbers
- Lot number assignment for inventory transfers is now fixed.
- Serial numbers can be assigned now to an order to be picked when computer's date format is DD-MM-YYYY.
- The Serial Number Tab now shows the Quantity to Assign without clicking Settings tab and back.
Bills, Vendor Orders
- After processing the cloned VPO to the WH, the VPO can now be received under 'To Received(Processed)' list
- Billing a partially received VPO no longer closes the whole order
- Can no longer add additional products to Closed Vendor Order
- Finalizing bill for partially received VPO no longer closes the VPO, allows user to still receive remaining items
- Regular (not Dropship) VPOs are now generated for missing components in Item Kits
Customer Orders, Invoices
- "Edit Shipment Details" window no longer pops up on Open CPO when clicking on Shipping information
- A prompt to exclude credit memos to batch print with invoices is now displayed
- Address Selection issues fixed. Addresses can now be selected and updated.
- Carrier saves after placing a direct invoice order.
- Carrier selected on Direct Invoices are now displaying correctly
- Cloned voided Direct Invoice orders will not get automatically voided when processed as a direct invoice
- Connection Timeout issue is now fixed when looking up shipped serial numbers on CPO
- Fixed an issue with balances on orders
- CPO with Service Items only can now be processed as Direct Invoice
- Editable product names are now correctly displayed in emailing invoices as PDF.
- Invoices are now reflecting correctly on QuickBooks after QuickBooks Export
- Last Invoice date now showing in "View All Products" after creating a CPO or VPO
- Shipments can now be backdated; Users can change the shipping details successfully. Changes on the shipping details are reflected in the Invoice.
- Tracking numbers on invoices are now included when sending invoices in PDF Format
- When toggling boxes found in the Invoices Layout Configuration, options are saved.
Warehouse and Picking Locations
- Able to do Multi-product transfer for serial numbers and all of the quantities are moved to the proper picking location.
- Ability to sort by multiple columns
- Carriers are now displayed on All Customer Orders in the Warehouse screen
- Detailed Inventory Report now shows correct stock when All Warehouses option is selected
- Issue fixed on Automatic " PPS adjustment for negative inventory" Adjustment Posted by Shipping that results in negative stock
- Item Kit quantities can only be set to FULL or ZERO on the Pick List. To modify, Pick Ticket must be sent back to Open status with reason
- No incorrect stock quantities found in Serial # tab for UOM in Warehouse. Stock quantities are consistent.
- Packing Slip now shows 'Set Qty to Pack to', instead of 'Pick to'
- Picking Locations are now sorting out by Name when processing in the warehouse.
- Sending an order back To Pick stage releases the batches from the order
- Set Quantity to Pick button in warehouse is now working properly with picking locations
- Selection of Picking Location is available during Pick Stage only when "Separate Pick Stage" option is enabled
- Ship Date on CPO is now retained after shipping
- Ship Date on the Warehouse Pick List is now retained from the original CPO. Previously showed 1/1/2000
- Shipments can now be backdated; Users can change the shipping details successfully. Changes on the shipping details are reflected in the Invoice.
- Shipping Options prompt typographical error fixed.
- Sorting items by SKU/Products in WH-PPS no longer sets picked weight/qty to 0 when sorting. Also, submitting the order to Packing stage will not send the order back to OPEN status anymore.
- Issues on incorrect Subtotals when shipping from Warehouse have been fixed
- The assigned Carrier on a CPO is now retained when modifying and/or shipping
- Transferring UOM stock from one Picking Location to another Picking Location now shows correct stock distribution in Picking Location stocks. Transferred to PL is reflected in the product's transfer history
- Unhandled Exception error fixed when searching an item with no default MPL
- Variant Product Names are now completed on pick, pack and ship tickets (v11.14.3)
- Viewing Serial Numbers now displays the correct Warehouse. Serial Numbers created in a specific Warehouse are now unique.
- When processing a CPO to Warehouse(PPS), The Customer SKU is displayed correctly in its respective column.
- When ShipEngine is disabled, user can now successfully click on Shipping Options without getting an error message.
Warehouse Transfers
- After the items are received in In-Transit Transfers and reserve qty is recalculated under site settings, the items are no longer counted as a reserve.
- In-Transit Transfer process previously lacked page refresh. After clicking on Pick & Ship, Transfer order will now be found on 'Shipped'.
- Partially receiving a transfer order marks the order as Partially Received and able to receive remaining items.
- Transferring Inventory now shows the difference between stock and reserved quantity
- Carrier information is retained after placing a direct invoice order.
- Carrier selected on Direct Invoices are retained
- Carriers are now displayed on All Customer Orders in the Warehouse screen
- ShipEngine Users will be notified when running out of funds for the carrier.
- The assigned Carrier on a CPO is now retained when modifying and/or shipping
Credit Memos, Returns
- Can now create Customer Returns for Customers that have the same name
- Create a return by searching for PO/Ref numbers without selecting customer first
- Option to create a Replacement CPO and a Return to Vendor RMA when receiving a customer return.
- Product Rows on Returns no longer get doubled after disassociating the vendor mid-process
- RMAs can be received even though serial numbers were not assigned
- "View All Customer Returns" screen fixed
- When creating Customer Returns, the Serial Numbers received go back to the Picking Location where they were first picked
- "Unexceptional Error" no longer pops up when creating a Customer Return
Assembly Items, Manufacturing Module
- When adding an item to the BOM and clicking save, it will notify the user that the "BOM configuration has been changed". When the user updates the price of the item, the same message will prompt again.
- The error shown when associating a Vendor to an Assembly Item is now fixed.
- Can successfully assign Lot/SN when picking up components in WH for assembly.
- Combined Components Weight is now showing correct number in reference to the quantity entered in BOM.
- Deleted items in Work Orders no longer reappear after deletion.
- Direct Order option can now be enabled in the Work Order page after generating it from a Customer Purchase Order containing an assembly item.
QuickBooks (Desktop and Online)
- Ability to export Non-Inventory items on QuickBooks.
- Customer Notes are now exporting to QuickBooks.
- Invoices are now reflecting correctly on QuickBooks after QuickBooks Export
- QuckBooksD export shows "Could not start Quickbooks. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040408)" error
- QuickBooks Online Export report with multiple pages can now be navigated
- Calculated weight of the order is displayed on Ship Engine window.
- Order reference is now reflected on the labels.
- Package dimension was added and can also be seen on the printed labels(UPS).
- Printer Selection was added on Admin \> Utilities \> Ship Engine Tab. Users can print Shipping labels on Pick/Pack/Ship.
- UPS/FedEx settings can be viewed in Shipped stage for Ship Engine.
- Users will be notified when running out of funds for the carrier.
- Ability to export EDI reports successfully without getting an "Exception Thrown" error. 'Update' button working as expected.
- "Check here if the first row in the data file consists of column names" is now visible in Order Import module.
- Can successfully export customers and vendors without duplicate data.
- Adjustment History issues from Excel Import are now fixed
- CSV Files for Customer Orders can now be Auto-Imported
- CSV Import Files (EDI Module) containing commas in fields encapsulated by quotes are no longer interpreted as delimeters
- Export EDI reports can now be exported successfully when Company Name contains special characters.
- Excel Import for Stocks Quantities for Products with Units of Measure.
- Product Stock import is less than the current reserved quantity = no update on reserved items.
- Product Stock import is more than the current reserved quantity = Stock Quantity gets updated
- For UOM products, when importing a quantity that is more than the UOM and Reserved Single (SKU), the Single(SKU) stock will be updated with the additional qty, while UOM stock will remain unchanged.
- Importing a quantity that is less than the UOM and Reserved Single(SKU), the Single(SKU) item will be updated and it will be the same with the reserved items and UOM will not be affected with the change.
- Importing order with replicated line items no longer results in missing lines
- Serial Numbers import issues fixed when receiving VPO
- When importing a Stock Quantity less than the Reserved Quantity, AP automatically adjusts the import quantity to equal the reserved quantity.
- Batch Summary Report can be generated by selecting any status.
- Detailed Inventory Report now shows correct stock when All Warehouses is selected
- Last Invoice date now showing in "View All Products" after creating a CPO or VPO
- Lot and Serial # Report for a specific customer can now be generated accurately.
- Negative values no longer showing in FIFO Report
- Stock amounts in FIFO report are no longer doubled
- When 'Include Inactive' button is not selected, all Inactive products are excluded in the Inventory and Purchase History Report.
General Settings
- Changes to security settings can now be saved.
- Character limit on Customer notation fixed
- Successfully save changes in Additional settings.
- User cannot type in the "Adjust Date" grid.
- Notes are no longer overlapping (with or without Serial Numbers) on the regular print format
- Pre-Arrival Notice (PAN) no longer shows Subtotal, shipping or any pricing after changes are made on ORDER Print Layout.
- Can print Batch Invoices and now has option to exclude Credit Memos.
Emails and Attachments
- BCC Email Notification fixed
- After adding a new credit card, the process payment button in the POS screen is activated.
Miscellaneous Error Messages
- Add Products button on left-hand panel now fixed
- Add Vendors button on left-hand panel now fixed
- Can delete Products without getting an error.
- Connection no longer times out when trying to view transaction history for product.
- Edit product button no longer shows an error message
- Errors when opening Invoices are now fixed
- Errors when opening Warehouse Orders are now fixed
- Locate Customer function is fixed, no longer showing errors
- Lot/Serial# Reports can be generated now without errors
- Lot/Serial# Report no longer prompts "Cannot find table 0." error
- Successfully added a product in the CPO and VPO that contains single quote(') as part of product's SKU without any error message.
- "Unexceptional Error" no longer pops up when creating a Customer Return
- Unhandled Exception error fixed when searching an item with no default MPL
- When clicking on SKU, the Order History window will pop-up successfully.