There was an error when modifying a ItemService. Cannot use SalesAndPurchaseMod aggregate when item is not reimbursable

Error message:
SERVICE ITEMS | There was an error when modifying a ItemService. Cannot use SalesAndPurchaseMod aggregate when item is not reimbursable.
Open QuickBooks Item List and search for the product. Right click and hit Edit Item
See if the option for "This service is used in assemblies or is performed by a subcontractor or partner" is checked. If not, CHECK this option.
Assign an EXPENSE Account (typically this is your Service Account for your service item on the QuickBooks Account setup on AdvancePro)
Go back to AdvancePro and Edit the Item in question. 
Additional Info >> Re-Export to QuickBooks
Begin Syncing to QuickBooks
The item will be recognized after the sync as it exists on QuickBooks. Relink and sync to QuickBooks again.
On the second sync, this will be pushed through successfully. (Status OK)
Begin Syncing to QuickBooks